Amy Forever


Amy Forever

Somebody once told me that fame is like aids, once you contract it your life will never be the same. Last week me and my engineer Kurtcurt attended an exclusive screening of the Amy Winehouse movie. There’s a few things that were confirmed in me by watching this film that night. One thing is that life is about balance and because life is about balance ultra success is a deception. It really makes me nervous people worship success like that’s the only thing that matters. It’s almost like some work so hard at their craft just to be justified by other people. People are fickle and loose with their words. When it comes to critics it is truly a thin line between love & hate. Even though our lives may be widely publicized we must remember that we are more that what we do. Sometimes I wonder how I’m going to handle all this success once I get there. One thing I know for sure is that I can never forget my purpose because forgetting purpose only leaves opportunity for people to push you to be who they want you to be and do what they want you to do.


Rochelle “Hot 16” & Kurtcurt













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